Author: Jo
On birthdays, life expectancy and freedom

Today is my 35th birthday. My husband’s out of town for work so I celebrated by having lunch with a good friend and coworker and then going to dinner with my father-in-law. A big chunk of the conversations that occurred centered on my upcoming departure from my job. I’m leaving 8-5 work altogether in the … [Read more…]
Novice to Expert: An Exercise in Letting Go of Perfectionism

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand. Zechariah 4:10 Ever want to go from novice to expert instantaneously? I do. In most every aspect of my life, I tend to want to only do something if I can do it with … [Read more…]
Depression, Anxiety and Dependence
There’s absolutely no logical reason for me to be depressed. I am no longer sucked completely dry by having forty hours of every week dictated by someone else. I have the gift of not having to work while I try to figure out the next thing. Instead, I am choosing to work part-time as an … [Read more…]
The Power of a Supportive Husband

I’ve been trying to write this post for months. Years, even. I just haven’t had the words to adequately express what it is I want to say. I still don’t feel like I have them, honestly. But, here I am. Making a feeble attempt to at least try. No Words It is difficult to describe … [Read more…]
The Final Countdown…

Anyone else have the old ’80s synthesizer dominant song runnin’ through their head? “It’s the final countdown….” [ba da dee dum, ba da da da daaaaa…..] “The Final Countdown” – Europe (1986) No? Just me. …ok, well, moving on then. A Decision to Make It’s here folks. The final stretch. We see the light at … [Read more…]
Hidden Treasures

A few months ago, I was sitting in a workshop class for photographers. The local PPA guild had invited a successful photographer to talk about how to become a successful photographer. To be honest, he didn’t really share any information I hadn’t heard yet and I left feeling a little discouraged and deflated. But, he … [Read more…]
I Need A Strivers Anonymous Group

Hello everyone. My name is Brandi Jo and I’m addicted to striving. A quick Google search of the term “strive” produces these basic definitions: make great efforts to achieve or obtain something struggle or fight vigorously to devote serious effort or energy to struggle in opposition Many people might see the life I’m living from … [Read more…]
Called to Trust: In the Wake of Suicide

Tuesday, February 3, 2009. I had opened the cafe I was managing at the time that morning and had returned home to take a nap after my shift ended. I had several things I needed to get done that day but I was worn out from the week prior so I decided a short nap … [Read more…]