1. I have found that I have had the same thoughts about “I don’t feel like a writer.” I love what you’ve continued to go through. This is a great blog post and beautifully written as well.

  2. I kept my blog a secret from friends and family for a while but eventually took the plunge. It is hard when some of the topics are personal and your feelings of insecurity resonate with me as well. BUT I don’t think they are reading every post…Oh well. I am who I am I guess! You are a writer! A beautiful one at that.

  3. I’m in the same boat. I used to write a LOT back in middle and high school, but the “hobby” died out after I joined the military back in 2009. It’s been a decade of minimum writing, and I just started my Kyrabe Stories blog back in January. Those first three months felt so intimidating. I felt like I wasn’t “qualified” to call myself a Blogger. Many self-help books (Jen Sincero’s “You Are a Badass” – top choice) helped me see that if I want to become something, I have to believe that’s who I am now. There are still those moments where I feel like an imposter, but looking back, I’m a lot more of a Blogger now than I was nine months ago! Cheers to continuous growth, especially to you as a Professional Blogtographer!

  4. I think many of us who blog feel that way. I know I do! We have to reach a certain level of success to say we are a writer, blogger, or blogtograher (I love that word BTW). But what is that exact level of success we need to achieve? What I keep reminding myself is that if God gives you the passion to blog, he will also give you the ability to do it. All you have to do is continue to do it! Your post was wonderfully written. Don’t doubt it – you are a Writer!

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