1. Pauline

    I think we all have those moments and doubts but if we’re able to refocus, then we can really move forward. Loved this post.

  2. David is quite an inspiration, is he not? He screwed up a lot, like we all do, yet he knew Goes and loved God and included God in his life. How easy it can be to forget to do that sometimes. I believe that, with His help, you will find your groove.

  3. I’m with you…though we will be debt free as soon as this house sells. I still struggle with closing my business to travel the country as a family and not adding to the income. But then I sit back and think, this is what God wants for me in this time. It’s His purpose for this season. He wants me to focus on and trust in Him, and most of all grow closer to Him. I may be lost, but He knows exactly where I am supposed to be. Thanks for your inspirational post!

    • Jo

      And thank you for your encouraging comment! I know God knows where I am and, together, we will navigate this new season!

  4. Rachel Newlon

    Those little voices…the what-ifs sneak in and make life so difficult sometimes. However, I have learned over the years that I am not in control and offer up a lot of what I feel to Him. He knows my heart…He knows what I need, what I can handle, and tends to navigate me in the right direction.

  5. This is so exactly where I am right now! I am leaving teaching after this year to become a stay at home mom and although I’m still working online, I keep going back to thinking maybe I’m making a mistake.

  6. I think we’ve all felt that way at some point or another. I’ve basically (I say that because I have worked part-time on and off) been a stay-at-home wife and mother for the entire 27 years of my marriage. Could we have had more money if I had worked full-time? Yes. Would that have meant putting my daughter into daycare every day? Yes. Did my husband and I feel that was what was best for our family? Nope. So, here I am. I do sympathize because I have days like this even now, why am I still home when my daughter is all grown up? Is this little blog thing really going to make the money I should make so we can get some real retirement funds going? I don’t know. Does God know? Yes, yes He does, so I need to remember to rely on Him, and like David, recognize that I am very small, but my God is very, very big, and He knows exactly what my life should look like, even when I don’t.

    • Jo

      Yes! Yes. We may be small and our problems feel so big, but our God is bigger still. Thank you for your encouragement!

  7. GIIIIIIRL You and I need to get to know each other better! You and I have so much in common it was like I was reading my own thoughts. Just know you’re not alone!!!

  8. Janine

    I’m struggling with a lot of these same questions right now. All I can say is, I wish you the best of luck in trying to figure it out. And, if you do, I’d love to know what (and how!) you figure out!

  9. Tiffany F

    We all find ourselves wondering about what path to take and what will be the best direction to take. Keep faith that the answer will come.

  10. As Shakespeare put it “To thine own self be true”… and I like to add, until then be kind, to yourself. Self-awareness and self compassion are the keys that unlock doors for me. I have been there, stuck, as you say. Adrift in lack of fulfillment or purpose is how I felt. But I was right where I was supposed to be at the time. There were lessons to be learned. I try very hard to not live by “Shoulds”, but it has taken me a while to get there. I wish you well on your journey of discovery. Trust, Faith, and Forward.

  11. I’ve had many transitions in life. Some I didn’t think I deserved or earned. God has helped me through each transition. In many ways I miss being a stay at home wife/mom because you are more free to be of service to others, always on God’s errand. You are now able to be his hand and serve when before you were tied to other obligations. You have the opportunity to be his angel more often. Follow his spirit and let him guide you to where he needs you most each day. Enjoy every minute of it because you will find much joy each day you serve. I’m happy for you! <3

    • Jo

      Thank you! You’re right. There is a lot more flexibility in my schedule these days. It’s part of the reason I wanted (needed?) out of the 8-5 life. I’m still looking forward to what’s to come, it’s just so different from what I’ve known!

  12. I can definitely relate to feeling lost! I, too, have left fulltime employment in hopes of making my blog fulltime. Doubts happen all the time as to whether or not I am making the right decision.

    • Jo

      Understood! Here’s to having the courage to keep plugging away at it, though. At least until, if and when we are redirected elsewhere!

  13. Nick

    I think we have all been here before. In my experience keep plugging away. Try different things. Eventually something will click and you will know what you are supposed to be doing.

  14. I’ve been in a similar situation no long ago, and I’ve read a ton of books. Different types, like entrepreneurial, autobiographies, and self-help. And of course, I prayed. Goo luck in your journey! You’ll end up stronger

  15. It’s hard to be in that lost, stuck place – I know I was there once too, just last summer. I want to step down from my very stressful job and be at home with my hubby. How was I going to make this dream a reality? To refocus, I spent time in God’s word and in prayer. To really focus on Him and His will for our lives, we did a 3-day fast. Those things helped me to put things in perspective. I still don’t know if we’re going the right direction, but God hasn’t put the kabash on it yet! I’m moving forward with our blog and plan to retire at the end of this year with the faith that I’m doing His will and He will provide. Keep listening, sometimes He speaks in a soft voice – He’ll direct you. Best to you in your decision. And, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a stay at home wife…seriously – I can’t wait!

  16. Beautiful post to read.it’s like you read my mind some of the time. it’s just so exhausting navigating life sometimes. but I think it’s that belief and faith and focus that will power us through to the beauties that lie on the other side.

  17. Wow. I feel like I wrote this because I am in a nearly identical situation. The anxiety and worry piles on daily, while I try to figure out my purpose in life. Thank you for writing this!

    • Jo

      You bet! It’s nice to know we’re not alone in the struggles we have, sometimes, no?! Praying for peace and confidence for you!

  18. Georgette

    Faith makes all the difference in the world. As for having the feeling of “being lost”…never for He is always near. God Bless.

  19. Oh, my dear! Been there, done that….have repeated the cycle over and over again. I had the same job transition last year and have been working hard to build this new business ever since. It’s tough. It’s not easy. I do rely a lot on prayer, but also get sidetracked very easily because I’m a workaholic. I’ve also moved 12 times in 22 years due to my husband’s career, so I know the art of transition more than I do the feeling of stability. It cuts…it hurts. But at one point, you will hopefully be able to stand back, take a deep breath and exhale only to see all the beauty God has created from it.

  20. I absolutely hear you. I hadn’t been planning on going back to work when my maternity leave is over, but I feel like I have to contribute financially and my blog isn’t going to be enough to help support us yet. ☹️

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