1. Love that you found your calling in life! I cant believe how much time I used to waste doing mindless things so I can totally relate to be a doer now!

    • Jo

      Euch. Mindless things and I can be best friends sometimes, haha! But I’m getting better at doing less of them. Thanks for stopping by!

    • Jo

      Right?! I may not be sure exactly where we’re headed but, if He’s directing, it’s gotta be somewhere good…right?! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. God’s plan is always best and He can see all the way to the end of things, even though we only see (sometimes) q step at a time. I’m kind of in the same season right now, I graduated from college (at 46) last December and I’m just not sure where I’m going. But, God knows, and that’s what counts.

  3. A wonderful post that reflects on the fact that even though I feel I’m a doer and in control, my life is constantly changing and directed down the right path. Thank you 🙂

    • Jo

      My pleasure! I’m convinced being a “doer” isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I just have to remember that’s also not the only thing.

  4. Been there. I think that at each stage of our life – whether it is because of some change made or that we make – we tend to get a little lost. I have worked for myself for most of my life and over the years have had to make changes (a house full of kids vs no kids around at all) I think I was actually more productive when their were kids around vs now when I’m all alone. Yes, like you I sometimes just take a breather and I find when I do that I am super productive after. When our daughter left for college 4 years ago I felt absolutely lost. Not sure why, not much changed; I still worked full time at home, my husband stilled traveled, she was pretty self sufficient those last few years so it wasn’t like I was mothering much. But that change; not being a full time Mom anymore was huge for me and I struggled; I guess to figure out what my role was then. It took awhile to find my new groove. And then I changed again – I quit my full time marketing job (from home) to Blog – and again felt a little lost! Like why am I making such a huge change and doing something I’m not sure how to do when I was doing something I did know? But I guess the answer for me is : the challenge! It keeps my mind fresh and its fun. Good luck and remember if you have the opportunity to take the time to find what you do best and when – take it!

    • Jo

      Thank you for this! It’s very encouraging to read. I hope you find this newest change in your life to be fulfilling and fruitful!

  5. I’m kind of in a similar situation. I’m at home full time with my toddler and newborn now, and my maternity leave is my time to really get my blog going. But with a brand new baby and a demanding 2 year old, it’s hard to do that and everything else that needs to be done. My goal this weekend is to sit down and come up with a plan for the coming week so I can hold myself accountable. Best of luck in your ventures!

  6. Nicki

    What’s that saying “you make plans…and God laughs”. Sometimes it’s better to just listen in the first place.

  7. Lauri

    Thanks for sharing your journey! When God asks us to be still and wait it can be difficult. I pray he shows you the next step soon!

    • Jo

      HAH! Oh, how I can relate! Patience is not one of my strongest virtues. Though, I think (hope!) I’m getting better at it!

  8. Have you tried mediation? If the internal push is to stop doing and be still, maybe it’s actually a need to let your brain roam free of distraction. Try giving yourself 10 minutes of quiet time every morning for a week and see where it takes your brain!

    • Jo

      I meditate on Scripture off and on but haven’t made it a regular part of my life yet. Perhaps I’ll give it a shot! Thanks for the suggestion!!

  9. I am a doer. When I was laid off in April 2017 it shocked my world. I had prayed that if God wanted me to leave the company a start a blog, I would be one of the lay off’s. Be careful what you pray for! LOL. But, I get up every day and “work” for the same 8-10+ hours that I did before, but am so much more fulfilled by it.

    • Jo

      Love that! I pray that your efforts are abundantly blessed! And I’m so glad you find more fulfillment…that’s worth more than any salary, I think. ;p

  10. Love this! I’m not much of a “women’s group” kind of a girl either, but love it when God speaks above that and directly into our hearts. Glad you heard what He had to say. I was looking for that earlier in the year, as well ~ the whole thing about quitting my full time + job……haven’t regretted a moment since He made it so clear. Good luck!

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